Mike and Jennifer {wedding}
November is a tricky time in Ohio… while most of our neighbors to the north are firmly planted in winter, Ohio is still in a chaotic game of weather ping pong. We could be 85 degrees, or we could be 20. We could have snow, or we could have rain. We could be bare and brown or our fall colors could be at their peak. Fortunately for us, Mike and Jennifer did some thorough scouting the week prior, and we were able to utilize Fall’s last hoorah as a beautiful backdrop.
Mike and Jennifer were totally trusting of our team (even when we dragged them down a quarter mile boardwalk, in pitch black, to nab a shot). That trust really makes our job as creatives SO much easier! If we were constantly questioning, “I wonder if Mike and Jennifer think this is a good idea”, we would most likely pick locations/ shots that have lower risk, but also lower return. That’s not to say that every portrait needs to be on a dark boardwalk, or dangling on the edge of a cliff, but having a trusting relationship opens the door to unique opportunities when they present themselves. And ultimately, that helps us accomplish our top priority… deliver a mix of creative and classic photographs that help our clients relive their day in the most interesting and vivid way possible.