Hey all! I wanted to take a minute to tell you a bit more about Justin and I, in a slightly more informal way. We are full time photographers and have been for the past 8 years.
Justin and Cory
Heather and I
I started my business Life in Letters Gallery when I was 20 and moved to a storefront when I was 21. It was my first foray into business, and quite a learning experience. I learned what it was to work directly with the public, hire employees, and turn a profit. Needless to say it wasn't a perfect path towards success, but it gave me tons of tools and experience that I use today. I have a wife, a 4 year old daughter and a son due in May of 2017. My wife is also self employed with her own Pilates and Wellness studio, so needless to say our lives are pretty busy :)
Justin has been shooting for over a decade, hailing from the classrooms of the Ohio Institute of Photography and Technology, and is a movie trivia expert. He shoots a variety of subjects including portraits, weddings, commercials, and of course, real estate. He's my right hand man, shooting most of the homes while I keep the gig organized.
If we're being completely forthright, LOTS of people take nice photos. Lot's of people can fix computers. Lots of people can sell real estate, but at the end of the day, we choose to work with certain people because they are pleasant, experts, funny, "inset adjective here". There is an x-factor that makes them more desirable than the competitor. We hope that it's our cordiality that makes us worth it. You don't have to worry about a disgruntled teenager showing up to your homeowners house, and you can trust that if you have a problem, we are going to do our darnedest to fix it. We're firm believers in knowing who we are working with, so get in touch with us. Even if it's just for a chat. The better we know you, the better we can serve you.